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Business Loan - Fact Find BROKER USE ONLY
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Partner Name
Directors Name
Company Name
Industry / Sector
Directors Email
Opening the call:
- Hi Steve? - Yes… - Hi It’s Tony from Danzak Finance, calling as scheduled from our chat on LinkedIn - Hi David… - So Steve, at this stage I am not sure if we can help yet, so the reason for the call is to find out a bit more about the business, what your hoping to achieve and determine if we can help!? do you wanna tell me a bit more… - Client should go into detail about the project or loan they require, listen carefully and take notes, some of the important details should be filled out below, but not limited to.
Business Location
Age of the Business
Reason for the loan / purpose of funds?
Have they spoken to their bank? What was the outcome? If not, why not
Any current loans, Detail, Who with, Outstanding Balance, Monthly Payment
Company Legal Status? LTD, LLP, ST?
How many Directors/Partners
Last 12 Months Turnover for the Business £ (average monthly turnover? + last 3 months monthly?)
Loan Amount Required
Term required in months or years?
Do they have an expectation rate? What have they paid in the past or on current loans?
Any adverse credit, any declines in the past 3 months?
Ideally, When would they like the funding?
Additional Info